Our Delivery Models

The 4Cs Model for sustainable inclusive development

Co-creation, co-financing, co-implementation, and co-learning; collaboration and partnership among stakeholders to create sustainable and impactful solutions.

Off-site Incubator Hubs and Training Centers

Establishing incubator hubs and training centers outside of traditional settings

Learn As You Earn (LAYE)

For university students to learn as they are making money

The Market Driven Skilling and incubation Model

Aligns skills and incubation programs with market demands and trends

The Unibrain Model

Creates synergy for job, employment and Wealth creation by universities, businesses, and research innovations.

Start Your Own Business (SYOB)

Equips individuals with the tools and resources needed to start and manage their businesses

Entrepreneurship Development Program ( EDP)

Equips the youth with the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and knowledge of business planning essential to successful SMEs

Market Driven Investment

Promotes market-driven investments that respond to market demands.

Hand Holding Model

Experienced mentors are carefully matched with SME entrepreneurs based on their needs, and goals.

Go Green Clubs

Enables SME entrepreneurs to focus on managing and sustaining businesses around water and the environmental the ecosystem adopting least cost enterprises

Public Private Sector Partnership

Designed to promote long-term contracts between the private party and government entities

Small Business Incubation Hubs

Helps SMEs and existing small businesses to grow sustainably through the use of good business practices and appropriate technology.

Small Business Incubation Hubs

Equips SMEs with the essential knowledge and skills required to manage successful business incubators and to commercialize their innovative business propositions

What we do Category

Project Components

The African Agribusiness Incubators’ Network (AAIN Uganda) is implementing SYMUF in Uganda through its partner Excel Hort Consult Agribusiness Incubator Limited (EHCAI).

Agripreneur Incubation and Training (On-farm)

Youth Agripreneurs Skills Development (Non-farm)

Catalyzing Access to Finance and Market

Project Implementation - Coaching, Mentoring, Outreach, Reporting, Audit

Key Performance Outcomes and Indicators

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Primary Responsibilities of Specialists

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Our Team member Members

Meet Our Expertise

James C. Gonzalez

James C. Gonzalez

CEO & Founder
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Barbara G. Reese

Barbara G. Reese

Web Developer
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Roberto L. Burleson

Roberto L. Burleson

Graphics Designer
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Dewayne E. Morton

Dewayne E. Morton

Senior Manager
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To create jobs and provide incomes for African youth (Aged 18-35 years) who are attracted to urban agriculture

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15+ Years Of Experience In Business Incubation

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